Has anyone else noticed what its like to work in an industry that is service based at present? If only everyone could make widgets. I have been observing service based industries over the past couple of years as we have moved through, and out the other side, of the pandemic, and to be frank, I’m…

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Earlier this month we released our June 2023 Charge Rates & Salaries Survey following a pleasing rate of registration over the preceding couple of months. We had firms of all sizes participate, ranging from a couple of hundred thousand in turnover to the Second Tier firms, with data received across the five major States. There…

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Outsourcing or offshoring can tend to be one of the most contentious within the profession. There seems to be three schools of thought in respect of this method of work completion. Firstly, there are the firms who have tried it and love it, many originally getting into it due to its cost benefits. These firms…

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As we approach the last quarter of the financial year, those parties looking to retire, sell down equity, or depart a firm, will often start considering the potential value of their equity. All too often we hear a comment along the lines of ‘I just want to do what is fair for all parties’ or…

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Our 2023 Typical Fees For Common Services Report was released yesterday to a strong participant and non-participant group. We had expected to find some fairly healthy increases in these fees for the period given the static or conservative nature of fee reviews during the pandemic by many firms as well as the underlying inflationary pressures…

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Being in partnership with others can represent a real challenge for some, hence the number of sole practitioners around the country, whilst for others there is nothing better than teaming up with colleagues or friends to build an empire; for some, the bigger the better. Which is why I find it intriguing as to how…

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Few, if any firms, would not have staffing as their key area of concern at present. Across all industries, the lack of available staff is the main restriction preventing the return to pre pandemic days and the ability to underpin growth through the recruitment of personnel. However, looking at the current situation within the accounting…

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